16 Ways to Get a Flat Stomach Without Diet or Exercise

 A few small changes really can slim your midsection, but not because foods can "burn" belly fat. "I hate to burst the bubble on this one, but flat belly foods aren’t exactly a thing — especially when it involves the thought that you simply can 'spot train' certain areas of your body through the foods you eat," says Jaclyn London, M.S., R.D., C.D.N, Nutrition Director at the great Housekeeping Institute.

That said, some easy tweaks can reduce bloating and set you up for healthier habits both now and within the future, without resorting to crazy (and dangerous) dieting techniques.

"Consider adding sources of potassium, calcium, and magnesium to your diet, and curtailing on sneaky sources of sodium," London says. "The easiest place to start: Make your daily snacks veggie- and fruit-based, like an apple with nut butter; crudites with hummus and tzatziki, berries with yogurt, or swap a sweet potato or leftover roasted squash for bread during a sandwich. This naturally ups the mineral content and provides extra fiber for fewer grams of sodium overall."

For short-term debloating, she advises going easy on the cruciferous veggies (like kale and broccoli), legumes, and leafy greens. albeit they're extremely a nutritious choice most of the time, these fiber-rich foods can cause some gas pain counting on how hydrated you're and the way much fiber you always eat. But if your goal is to reduce overall, eating more real, wholesome foods and getting active is usually a sensible thanks to going. within the meantime, try these easy, science-backed changes for a flatter belly:

1 attend bed earlier.

Getting under the covers a touch sooner doesn't just assist you to avoid late-night snacking. Missing out on a full night's rest slows down your body's metabolism, so if you would like to rev up your calorie burn, plan on accessing least seven hours of shuteye.

2 Don't skip meals.

Another metabolism-boosting tip: Eat every three to four hours, which should include making time for breakfast. Research shows that folks who miss a morning meal experience a surge during a hunger-related hormone later within the day. Regular snacks (which should include fiber-filled complex carbs and protein!) will keep you feeling full and your body burning cals at a gentle rate.

3 Perfect your posture.

Straighten up and your figure looks better directly, advises the most important Loser trainer Kim Lyons. "When your posture is sweet, you're automatically engaging and toning your stomach muscles," she says. If you would like to remind yourself to face tall, a couple of strategically placed sticky notes should do the trick.

4 Sip more water.

Keep those fluids coming! "Being dehydrated causes the body to hoard water," Lyon says, leading you to hold up to four excess pounds around your midsection. Aim for a minimum of eight cups of water or other fluids daily.

5 Eat more H2O.

Yep, you read that right. High-water foods like fruits and veggies will fill you up faster, London says. Start your meal with soup, salad, or her favorite pick: pre-dinner sliced crudité and spicy hummus. The combo of capsaicin (a spice in hot peppers) and therefore the chickpeas' soluble fiber can help curb hunger.

6 Brew some coffee.

Another win for your cup of joe: Caffeinated coffee may be a natural (mild) diuretic, which helps you de-puff by eliminating excess water within the body. Java's stimulating effects also keep things occupation your gut, London says. The regular bowel movements help with a flatter belly.

7 Snack on nuts.

Research has linked eating nuts with having a lower waist circumference. Nuts are rich in monounsaturated fats, making them a more satisfying pick than pretzels. confirm you stick with the unsalted versions to debar sodium-induced puff and confine mind one serving is a few small handfuls.

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8 Have a seat.

"Most women don't need to speak about it, but you actually need to put aside a selected time every day to use the toilet," notes Judith Reichman, M.D., a professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of California, l. a... "If you do not, it's too easy to offer into feeling rushed, and ignore the urge to travel ." Once you've trained your brain to dismiss your body's signals, you set the stage for bloat-inducing constipation.

9 Add milk to your breakfast.

Pour milk on your morning cereal and you'll have a belly-busting win. Diets high in calcium-containing foods are linked with healthier weight. Plus, the minerals found in dairy products — calcium, potassium, and magnesium — can help to counterbalance bloat-inducing sodium.

10 Eat more slowly.

Rather than scarfing down meals, make some extent of chewing each bite a minimum of 10 times before swallowing. "The body has got to work overtime to interrupt down food within the stomach and intestines, which may cause major gas and indigestion," Dr. Reichman says. Plus, once you eat fast, you're more susceptible to swallowing air, which may ratchet up your risk of feeling a touch puffy.

11 Choose more probiotics.

"Probiotics are 'good' bacteria that help your gastrointestinal system break down food, preventing the gastrointestinal issues which will keep you from having a flat stomach," explains nutritionist Jonny Bowden, Ph.D., author of the foremost Effective Natural Cures on Earth. to make sure your plumbing is functioning at optimum capacity, Bowden suggests eating a daily serving of a probiotic-rich food like yogurt, kimchi, miso, sauerkraut, or buttermilk.

12 do not forget about prebiotics.

They're the non-living compounds that promote the expansion of this beneficial bacteria. "Veggies, fruit, nuts, beans, seeds, and 100% whole grains will give your body’s probiotics the fuel they have to survive and thrive," London says.

13 hand over the gum.

Because chewing forces you to swallow more puff-producing air, it also can keep you from squeezing into your skinny jeans, explain researchers at the American College of Gastroenterology. If you would like to freshen your breath, you're happier sucking on a mint.

14 Take an opportunity.

"When you're frazzled, your body increases its production of steroids and stress hormones, which negatively affect your gastrointestinal system, causing major constipation," says Dr. Reichman. And as if that weren't enough, stress also amps up the assembly of cortisol, a "fight or flight" hormone that sends excess fat on to your midsection in its plan to protect your vital organs. to attenuate tension, Dr. Reichman advises taking 20 minutes each day to relax.

15 Walk it off...

Even if you cannot get to the gym, attempt to squeeze during a 30-minute walk daily, Lyons says. the straightforward boost in metabolism will assist you to burn waistline fat more efficiently. And if you would like to figure out, skip those gadgets that promise "miraculous abs in minutes." A study from Kansas State University found most devices designed to focus on abs (think infomercials) don't live up to their promises. you will see better results with traditional exercise.

16 ...or try yoga.

Don't be fooled, yoga won't be a hardcore cardio workout but it's many belly-flattening benefits. Prevention's Flat Belly Yoga program will tighten and tone your tummy in only minutes each day — no crunches required! 

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